Wednesday 8 December 2010

Luxurious, Easy-going, Friendly, Designer Boutique, Latest Designer Fashions,
Expensive feel, Lavish, Plush, Decadent, Comfortable, Exquisite.

The Shoping experience at Bluebird is llike stepping off the street into a large exhibition room, with all the latest avant garde fashions exhibited for the shopper. Once your foot is over the threshold, any pressures are instantly removed, and you are transported into the land of edgy design and exquisite finnishing. The vibe from the store is chilled airy and easy. Shopping there is a million years away from the hustle and bustle of Primark on a Saturday afternoon.

Oxfam boutique is a complete treasure trove of vintage classics ranging from te 50's to the early 90's. It has everything needed for an exciting prime bargain hunter mission. Every rail must be searched, in order to unciver that must have bargain that you can just sense is lurking under an old duffel coat waitin to be snapped up.

The loud pumping music can be heaard from the street, a throng of young fashionables clamber in and out of the store front. Each in their uniform of vintage clobber mixed with designer and highstreet goods. Art installations are exhibited as one with the clothes. Also displayed are homeware items, records and books, turning the store into a lifestyle stop rather than just another highstreet clothes store.